Sarah Wilson

Season 8, Episode 8: Sarah Wilson on Breaking Free: From the Hedonic Treadmill to a Wild, Precious, and Sustainable Life.

" Saturn is known as the taskmaster of the universe and is strongly tied with identity and purpose. But in order to know our true identity and purpose in this life, we have to go through many deaths and rebirths and cultivate discipline responsibility self authority to get to a place of self love."

Saturn returns is all about embracing and finding our true path, even if it means veering off the well-trodden one. It’s about resilience, adaptability, and finding a sustainable way of living that truly resonates with us. So I’m thrilled to be joined by Sarah Wilson In today’s episode of Saturn Returns. A former journalist, Cosmopolitan Australia's editor, and MasterChef Australia host who has truly lived a life less ordinary.  At 34, facing a life-threatening autoimmune disease, Sarah chose to quit sugar, a decision that not only managed her symptoms but also led to the creation of the global “I Quit Sugar” movement. She documented her journey and insights, encouraging others to embrace a healthier, sugar-free lifestyle. 

This period of transformation led to Sarah embracing a more unconventional life, choosing a much more minimalist simple life, focused on travel, nature and discovery. Sarah officially jumped off the hedonic treadmill, moving away from her successful media empire to live in a forest army shed. Her experiences, including her battles with bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder, are candidly shared in her book "First We Make the Beast Beautiful."

Here, she reimagines anxiety, turning it into a source of strength and advocating for living authentically amidst life's chaos. We discuss Sarah’s latest book, "This One Wild and Precious Life," which addresses the collective feelings of anxiety and disconnection prevalent in today's world, fostering a sense of community and connection. She explores the modern challenges facing humanity, including climate change, political unrest, and the pervasive feelings of emptiness despite material abundance and how a shift to live more sustainably is not only essential, but will also lead to more happiness and fulfilment.  Join us in this episode as we explore Sarah’s journey and uncover the transformative power of living a wild and precious life.



  • Personal growth.

  • Overcoming challenges during Saturn returns.

  • The impact of modern dating culture.

  • Living minimally.

  • Mental health and happiness.

  • Overcoming anxiety.

  • Disconnection, loneliness, and overwhelm.

  • The reality and impacts of climate change.




Poppy Jamie


Ruby Warrington