Bryony Gordon

Season 9, Episode 1: Bryony Gordon on OCD, Addiction and the power of vulnerability.

" I always say this, the thing that all mental health issues have in common is that they work by lying to you. So from sort of anxiety, anxiety through to psychosis and beyond, they work by lying to you, they tell you, you're a freak, they tell you that you're alone."

In this compelling episode of Saturn Returns to kick off the season Caggie sits down with Bryony Gordon, a celebrated journalist, mental health advocate, author, and voice of resilience. Known for her influential work with The Telegraph and her book 'Mad Woman,' Bryony's narrative is one of authenticity, challenge, and triumph. Journey Through Addiction: Bryony opens up about her battles with alcohol and cocaine addiction, offering insights into her path towards recovery. Her candid discussion around identifying as an alcoholic and the impacts on her personal and professional life sheds light on the nuances of addiction.

OCD and Motherhood: Dive into Bryony's experience with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), how it has shaped her as a mother, and spurred her to share her story. Her honesty brings a relatable and humanising perspective to living with mental health challenges.

The Role of Privilege in Recovery: Explore the intersection of addiction, mental illness, and the societal structures that influence recovery journeys. Bryony shares her thoughts on the class system's role in treatment access and the importance of reframing addiction as a health issue, not a moral failing.

Confronting Stigmas: Bryony reflects on the stigmas surrounding alcoholism, especially as a high-functioning individual in a demanding career. Her journey to sobriety and the realisation of addiction as a response to trauma offers a powerful narrative on resilience and self-discovery.

Embracing Spirituality: The episode delves into Bryony's embrace of spirituality and 'witchy magic' as tools for connection and recovery. Discussing the gender health gap and the societal need for deeper connections, Bryony's story is a testament to finding strength in vulnerability and the unconventional.

Finding Community and Belonging: Bryony emphasises the importance of community, belonging, and the supportive networks that have been pivotal in her journey of recovery and self-acceptance. Her story is a beacon of hope for anyone facing their own battles with addiction or mental health. Bryony Gordon's journey from the depths of addiction and OCD to becoming a leading figure in mental health advocacy is not just inspiring; it's a call to action for compassion, understanding, and the embrace of our authentic selves. Her blend of humour, wit, and raw honesty makes this episode a must-listen for anyone looking to understand the complexities of mental health and the beauty of recovery.



  • Mental health struggles and the journey to recovery from addiction/alcoholism.

  • Experiences with OCD, anxiety, depression and how writing helped the speaker cope.

  • Societal stigma surrounding mental illness and addiction.

  • Gender disparities in healthcare and the dismissal of women's health issues.

  • Impacts of hormones/menopause on mental wellbeing.

  • Importance of community and peer support for mental health.

  • Challenges of social media and pressures of online visibility.

  • Untangling self-worth from accomplishments and learning self-acceptance.

  • Resilience of the human spirit and overcoming life's difficulties through support systems.




Charlie Morley


Steph Claire Smith